I have been a professional content/communications/copy/creative person for 20 years, with experience in agency, nonprofit, tech, startup, healthcare, B2B, B2C, internal and more. Basically, if it originates in a word processor and is intended to sell, educate or persuade, I have written, managed, edited, assigned or distributed it at some point.
I will not get in a fight with you about the Oxford comma, because I think it’s incredibly boring and that there are far more interesting and challenging things to go to the mat on when it comes to how we earn attention in a noisy world.
Most of all, I believe in communicating with audiences like they are actual human beings, so my insincerest of apologies to the algorithms out there. Behind all of the posturing about being decisionmakers, check-signers, stakeholders, influencers or whatever else, we are still just dumb animals with motivations and desires. I like finding out what those are and then appealing to them.
At the end of 2023, I boomeranged back to the Chicago area after six years in Austin. I’m stoked to be a midwesterner again, and to be seeking job opportunities closer to home.
Outside of what I do to make money: I live with the world’s cutest dog, love goofy little crafty pursuits, am fanatical about taking superlong walks while listening to audiobooks, drink an obscene amount of fizzy water and watch absolutely rotten television. I have a toilet for a mouth, a sponge for a brain and a glowy little coal for a heart.